Running Locally with Docker

Running SerpBear locally using Docker only takes a few seconds. Follow these steps to get SerpBear up and running using Docker.

Using Docker

Step 1:

Run the following command to download the SerpBear Docker Image from Dockerhub

docker pull towfiqi/serpbear

Step 2:

First Create a docker volume called serpbear_data

docker volume create serpbear_data

Step 3:

Run the Docker Container with the following Commands

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v serpbear_data:/app/data --restart unless-stopped -e NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL='http://localhost:3000' -e USER='admin' -e PASSWORD='0123456789' -e SECRET='4715aed3216f7b0a38e6b534a958362654e96d10fbc04700770d572af3dce43625dd' -e APIKEY='5saedXklbslhnapihe2pihp3pih4fdnakhjwq5' --name serpbear towfiqi/serpbear

Change the parameters if you want to.

Command Details:

-p 3000:3000 => Maps the local port 3000 to container port 3000

-v serpbear_data:/app/data => Maps the serpbear_data volume to app/data to the folder for data persistence.

--restart unless-stopped => Automatically Restart the container when it crashes for some reason.

The following parameters set the necessary Environment Variables:

-e NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL='http://localhost:3000'

-e USER='admin'

-e PASSWORD='0123456789'

-e SECRET='4715aed3216f7b0a38e6b534a958362654e96d10fbc04700770d572af3dce43625dd'

-e APIKEY='5saedXklbslhnapihe2pihp3pih4fdnakhjwq5'

Using Docker Compose

Step 1:

Create a new folder and create a docker-compose.yaml file with the following content:

version: "3.8"

    image: towfiqi/serpbear
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3000:3000
      - USER=admin
      - PASSWORD=0123456789
      - SECRET=4715aed3216f7b0a38e6b534a958362654e96d10fbc04700770d572af3dce43625dd
      - APIKEY=5saedXklbslhnapihe2pihp3pih4fdnakhjwq5
      - NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL=http://localhost:3000
      - serpbear_appdata:/app/data
    driver: bridge

Change Environment Variables to your needs. The Details of the Environment Variables can be found here.

Step 2:

From the same directory, run the container using the following Command:

docker compose up

Updating Serpbear

Run the following commands to update your Serpbear instance when a new version is available:

docker compose pull
docker compose up

Last updated